This function is basic for a user to manually fix some country name inconsistencies.

countryNameCleanR(data = NULL, ISO2_table = NULL, commonProblems = NULL)



A data frame or tibble. Occurrence records as input.


A data frame or tibble with the columns ISO2 and long names for country names. Default is a static version from Wikipedia.


A data frame or tibble. It must have two columns: one containing the user-identified problem and one with a user-defined fix


Returns the input data, but with countries occurring in the user-supplied problem column ("commonProblems") replaced with those in the user-supplied fix column


beesFlagged_out <- countryNameCleanR(
data = BeeBDC::beesFlagged,
commonProblems = dplyr::tibble(problem = c('U.S.A.', 'US','USA','usa','UNITED STATES',
                        'United States','U.S.A','MX','CA','Bras.','Braz.',
                        'Brasil','CNMI','USA TERRITORY: PUERTO RICO'),
                        fix = c('United States of America','United States of America',
                                'United States of America','United States of America',
                                'United States of America','United States of America',
                                'United States of America','Mexico','Canada','Brazil',
                                'Brazil','Brazil','Northern Mariana Islands','PUERTO.RICO')))
#>  - Using default country names and codes from - static version from July 2022.